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For those who are first arriving:

To me, the act of creation–whether in simple moments of planning, artistic endeavors, or scientific problem solving–is a letting loose of the juices, the blood, the passion that flows through so much of our lives and letting it bath our minds, our work, our undertakings.

Moments of creativity are as broad and diverse as there are experiences.  At times, I have seen creation when that great internal force bursts forth, in leaps and bounds, like so many tons of water let loose, a fire igniting kindling, a wind picking up the ordinary leaves of life and sending them soaring beyond the stretches of even the trees that created them.  At other times, creation is like a whisper in a great silent forest something so small it is almost inaudible but echoes and reverberates until the whole space has shifted.  Still other times, creation is something that is fallen into, like tripping over a rock on a routine walk only to discover something completely and utterly new.  The process of creativity absolutely astounds me!  The capacity of the human race to imagine and to create gives me such great hope and leaves me in awe.

Perhaps then, it is only natural to say, that I wish to share my own creations with the world.  Writing, photographing, painting and sewing are just a few of the things I dive into to balance my mind and my life.  What good is it to create though, if I am not going to share?  So here I am and here you are.

I once heard a woman say that to enter into a conversation was to bring her opinions “as bricks” and come away hearing others’ “as pieces of jade.”

I bring you the bricks of my making, feel free to leave your pieces of jade.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. April 28, 2011 9:37 pm

    yes, the rumors are true: you’ve been nominated for a Versatile Blogger award. At this unexpected moment, the only thing to do is to go to and face the music. You will find that you are in fine company and that your blog fully deserves the award… that is, if you should choose to accept this assignment ;). RT


  1. Samaria (The Bible & the Z Revolution, Part II) « The Rag Tree

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